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Moving and copying objects
You can move objects by:
•       dragging them
•       choosing Move to Folder from the context menu, to open the Move to Folder form.
When you move a message into a conference or your Mailbox, the message's expiry date changes to the default expiry date for objects in that location. You can reset the expiry date by changing the information about the message.
You can copy objects (except containers) by:
•       pressing Control (Windows, Linux) or Option (Mac) while dragging them
•       choosing Copy to Folder from the context menu, to open the Copy to Folder form.

If you can't move an object
If you can't move an object, and you know that your administrator has given you permission to move it, the object may be protected.
81203_42521_14.png        Note
If your administrator has not given you permission to move an object, FirstClass will try to create a link to the object instead.

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